Feb 8: The 5th Central Luzon Inter-Agency Visitation to the Ayta ICCs/IPs under CADT No. 008, 014, & 151 in the town of Cabanggan, Zambales. Specifically, at Sitio Mapporac, Barangay New San Juan, Cabanggan, Zambales, together with the National & Local Government Agencies representatives.
3 ADs of Cabanggan, Zambales:
1. Banawen and Yangil under CADT No. ROIII-ZAM-008-AD.
2. Cadmang-Reserba & Mabanglit under Petition No. ROIII-ZAM-014-AD.
3. Maporac under CADT No. RO3-CAB-0110-151
Present were the Mayor together with other Local Officials: Provincial IPMR, City IPMRs, Municipal IPMRs, Tribal Elders/Leaders & IP Youth plus Barangay Officials.
The following Major Burning Issues and concerns from the 5 ADs were discussed with identified ways forward:
IPMR Concern. Resolve the issue on unity among the community and coordination with the LGU for the conduct of the selection;
Issuance of AD Title.
2. The CEB has already issued three certificates for the recognition of ADs/ALs;
a.) AD/AL Tilting;
b.) On Process for AD/AL titling;
c.) An AD/AL but without application for titling
Identified AD/AL;
2. On no ADSDPP. For coordination with other agencies either through NCIP or by the community themselves through an endorsed communication by their community leaders with the aid of their IP Youth/ EAP Grantees;
3. On other issues the NCIP Chairperson instructed the community with the assistance of the NCIP for the creation of email and open bank accounts for all the ADs;
“We emphasize the right to self-governance, we need leaders in protecting their ancestral domains so they can connect directly to communities as well as to different government agencies through exercising self-governance in the community, they are able to protect ancestral domains because it demonstrates the spiritual and physical connection of communities between their late leaders and future generations.”
