08 Feb| The 6th Central Luzon Interagency Visitation led by Chairperson, NCIP together with MGEN Henry M Doyaoen, Vice Commander, Philippine Army; Col Allan Jose Taguba, Deputy Cmndr 703rd BDE; LTC Eugene Garce, Cmndr 70IB Bn; LTC Eugene Henry Cabusao Cmndr 3rd Mechanize Bn; San Marcelino Vice Mayor; line agencies; and Municipal and Provincial IPMRs conducted the 6th Central Luzon Inter-Agency Visitation and Healing & Reconciliation thru Customary Law of Ayta Zambal ICCs/IPs.
5 ADs of San Marcelino, Zambales:
1. Alibang under CADT No.RO3-SUB-0116-199.
2. Bataiwan under CADT Petition No. ROIII-ZAM-SMSC-005-AD.
3. Papaya Gala under CADT Petition No. RIII-ZAM-SMSC-006-AD.
4. San Marcelino under CADT NO. RIII- ZAM-SMSC-001-AD.
5. San Martin & Nagsasa under CADT Petition No. RIII- ZAM-SMSC-004-AD.
A major portion of the program is the “Customary Conflict Resolution” participated by Mr. Japer Gurung and Mr. Junior Ramos and the Phil Army. Both IPs were acquitted by the regular court from the violations under the ATA and were released on July 2021 from their detainment since August 2020.
The Ayta Zambal ICCs/IPs and the Philippine Army restored their trust and coordination in resolving CTGs concerns of the Community.
The partnership was renewed by the community by awarding to the members of the PNP and Philippine Army who played the most important role in the dismissal of the case filed against the Aytas.
Chairperson, NCIP emphasized the difference between the application of regular laws from that of Customary Laws in the resolution of conflicts where the regular laws are punitive and gears towards imposition of punishment while customary laws resolve conflict by restoring justice between the parties involved towards healing and reconciliation.
“Together, we healed the wounds of the armed conflict and reconcile families and clans within the AD, and let us work for the attainment of genuine trust, love, respect and peace in the ICCs/IPs through Healing and Reconciliation in Customary Law.” as the Chairperson reiterated.
During the second part of the Inter-Agency Visitation, they converged together under one roof in discussing burning issues affecting the ICCs/IPs.
The following Major Burning Issues and Concerns from the 5 ADs were presented & identified the ways forward:
1. Unseated selected Municipal IPMR of San Marcelino, Zambales, and the Municipality of Subic- For the NCIP CO to write a letter address to DILG Secretary to intervene address the issues of Local Chief Executives who fail to recognize and to allow the selected and confirmed PMRs;
2. On the case of Laquian and Caballero as victims of Land Grabbing. To write a letter address to DENR Secretary requesting intervention in resolving the issue. For the NCIP to request also for the intervention of the IRM LOE NTF ELCAC framework to intervene;
3. Presence of CTGs in the part of San Marcelino AD – Conduct IEC about 17 atrocities the CPP-NPA-NDF committed against the ICCs/IPs where the best defense of the community is for the community to stand United under their customary laws. The CNN can never convince the whole community to join their cause;
4. Compliance to FPIC issues against Dizon Mines to continue its operations inside San Marcelino AD. Encouraged the ICCs/IPs to legally stand for their rights to the FPIC process violation, and as one community to stop or prevent any projects implemented within their ADs without FPIC;
5. Conflict between ICCs/IPs of sitio Papaya Castillejos. To conduct healing and reconciliation such as how the IP Community in Talaingod resolved their decades long internal conflict between;
6. Presence of mendicants inside ADs. For the IPMRs to coordinate with their life local government units in resolving the concerns;
“We must engaged all the issues and concerns of the ICCs/IPs, we need to understand that the ICCs/IPs are development partners of the government. Let us all work together and strategize how we can achieve our vision for ICCs/IPs ancestral domain. It is also an opportunity for government agencies to see the situation and suggest how they can help based on their respective mandates and based on the whole-of-nation approach,”- Chairperson, Allen A Capuyan.