The NCIP team accomplished the following undertakings:
1.) Facilitated the Field-Based Validation regarding the Multi-Purpose Pavement Dryer and Warehouse project of the Department of Agriculture RXI;
2.) Explained and taken consent for the NCIP Participatory Action Research;
3.) Explained and taken consent for the photography of Tagakaulo products, intergenerational picture and videography/fashion show of Tagakaulo IP attire to be featured in the 24th IPRA Month Celebration;
4.) Documented tackled issues and concerns; and
5.) Dispensed medicines for hypertension from DOH
The way Atty. Leonor talked with her fellow Tagakaulo ICCs/IPs in an explicit manner conjoined the IP Elders, Leaders, IP Youth, and IP Women to express issues and concerns surrounding their Ancestral Domain.