NCIP Officials and Staffs conducted inter-agency visitations and consultations in Brgy Canggohob, Mabinay, Negros Oriental. The ICCs/IPs of Ata Bukidnon hosted the activity which was attended by 348 IP participants from the Bukidnon Magahat, Bukidnon, and Ata Bukidnon ICCs/IPs of the Province.
The highlight of this activity was the awarding of the Certificate of Recognition of Ancestral Domain Title to the Ata Bukidnon ICCs/IPs of Brgys Canggohob, Lamdas, and Mayaposi, Mabinay and Brgy Sab-ahan, Bais City.
The following burning issues were documented and discussed in the presence of NGAs’ representatives:
a.Issuance of quarry permits within ADs without FPIC;
b.Issuance of Community-Based Forest Management Agreements (CBFMAs) new and renewal within AD to Non-IP associations without FPIC;
c.Continuous issuance of Certificate of Land Ownership Awards (CLOAs) within ADs to Non-IPs and non-actual occupants even though the delineation and recognition process of ADs with the NCIP is ongoing;
d.Nonrecognition of the NCIP delineated ADs claim of the Bukidnon Magahat ICCs/IPs, declaration of the ADs claims not included in the CADC No. 050 as Forestal areas and included it in the Forest Land Use Planning (FLUP) of LGU Basay;
e.Non-issuance of cutting permit for 1989 onwards harvestable planted trees by the ICCs/IPs within ADs if without CADT. 1/3 of the planted trees were already destroyed due to overage;
f.Unavailability of fund to complete the delineation and recognition process of the ADs. Uncompleted stages: Community Map Validation;
g.Capability Building Training for the IPMRs;
h.Additional IPMR to the other ICCs/IPs areas;
i.Additional fund for Scholarships;
j.Concreting of Farm-to-Market Roads; and
k.DENR Programs specifically for the Indigenous Peoples Organizations (IPOs) without FPIC process.