20 December | Ayta Mag-antsi IP Leaders from MILKAPA (IPS) and MAGKAALBAPA (IPO) of CADT 123 situated at Porac, Pampanga paid Chairperson, NCIP a visit at the NCIP headquarters in Quezon City, months after the historical awarding of the ICC’s Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title (CADT) earlier this year.
IPO Chairman Roman King expressed the community’s deepest gratitude for the Commission’s commitment to delivering not just the long-sought CADT but also to addressing critical and burning issues affecting the development of CADT 123. Other key community leaders present were Muncipal IPMR Edwin Abuque, Camias Punong Barangay Regie Abuque, Inararo Punong Barangay Benzon King, Sapang Uwak Punong Barangay Palo Solis who also expressed their gratitude and appreciation for the fulfillment of the ICCs rights under the leadership of NCIP Chairperson.
The Chairperson thanked the leaders for the renewed trust and confidence they bestowed the Commission adding that it is no easy task making the agency responsive and relevant once again in the enforcement of IP rights and well-being. He challenged the IPS and IPO leaders to keep up with their commitment in serving their people at all costs and to stand firm in their conviction to fight corruption and call out even NCIP officials and personnel if necessary.
Capuyan also shared the vision of uniting all Ayta ancestral domains in the four provinces (Zambales, Tarlac, Pampanga, and Bataan) becoming a formidable voice to be reckoned with in the coming years.