CEB deliberation regarding Lower Chico HEP of the KADIPO Bauko Hydropower Corp with the Kabatangan Elders/Leaders, FPIC Team, RRT, and proponent representatives

RD Atty. Atanacio Addog, together with the Kabatangan Elders/Leaders, FPIC Team, RRT, and proponent representatives attended the CEB deliberation regarding Lower Chico HEP of the KADIPO Bauko Hydropower Corp. on 25 January 2022 via Zoom. The FPIC team presented the FPIC process undertaken for the project while the Proponent presented the project and their company’s profile. The LAO and ADO Bureau Directors favorably endorsed the project for consideration of the CEB. The CEB commented and clarified the provisions in the MOA. The project was approved subject to the compliances of the proponent/FPIC Team with the comments of the CEB.