29 APRIL 2024 | In line with the implementation of the Support to Parcelization of Lands for Individual Titling (SPLIT) Project, the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) initiated an in-depth orientation for the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples to discuss the specific provisions of the project and to enhance the Joint Administrative Order for the project.
SPLIT Project is a DAR project that involves the subdivision of about 1.38 million hectares of collective land titles (Collective Certificate of Land Ownership Awards or CCLOA) into individual land titles and is being considered for the financing of the World Bank.
Specifically, the purpose of the orientation is to discuss and be apprised of the existing guidelines for CCLOA claims with potential overlaps within Ancestral Domain areas. Also, to identify possible areas of cooperation that would streamline the process issuance of tenurial instruments, both for NCIP and DAR.
The orientation scheduled on April 29-30, 2024 is conducted in person and via virtual platform allowing regional personnel and Field SPLIT Focal Persons to participate.
In attendance for NCIP is Chairperson Jennifer Pia Sibug-Las, Commissioner Atty. Rhodex P. Valenciano, Commissioner Atty. Pinky Grace Pareja, Commissioner Jeorge M. Largado, Commissioner Gaspar A. Cayat, and Executive Director Mervyn H. Espadero together with the officials and representatives from the different NCIP Bureau Offices namely the Ancestral Domains Office (ADO), Legal Affairs Office (LAO), Office on Socio-Economic Services and Special Concerns (OSESSC), Office on Education, Culture, and Health (OECH), Office on Policy, Planning, and Research (OPPR), Office on Empowerment and Human Rights (OEHR), and Foreign Assisted Projects and International Relations Office (FAPIRO).
Leading DAR for the orientation is Secretary Conrado M. Estrella III together with Legal Affairs Office Undersecretary Atty. Napoleon Galit, Foreign Assisted and Special Projects Office (FASPO) Assistant Secretary and Concurrent Assistant Secretary for Finance Management and Administration Office (FMAO), Josef Angelo S. Martires, CESE, Assistant Secretary for Field Operation Office (FOO) and National Project Director for SPLIT, Atty. Marjorie P. Ayson, Legal Affairs Office (LAO) in Agrarian Law Implementation and Agrarian Legal Assistance (ALI-ALA) OIC-Assistant Secretary Atty. Eugene P. Follante, CESO III, and other DAR officials and staff.