NCIP Chairperson, Officials, and Staffs with the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) Regional Office 6, paid a Courtesy Call with the Commanding General (CG) 3rd Infantry Division (3ID), Philippine Army (PA), Major General Benedict M. Arevalo, at Camp General Macario Peralta, Jr., Jamindan, Capiz. More or less 33,310 hectares of military reservation is within the ADs of the Bukidnon ICCs/IPs of Jamindan.
MGen Arevalo was in agreement with NCIP Chairperson for the recognition the rights of the affected ICCs/IPs to claim parts of the reservation; to make the water falls found within the AD as tourist attraction in coordination with the LGU; and to schedule a conference to discuss the latter as well as to address the issues on the Communists Terrorists Groups (CTGs).