16 December 2022 | Inter-Agency Community Visitation and consultation to resolve burning issues of (Bukidnon Ingenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples (ICCs/IPs) in Barangay Jayobo, portion of Bagongbong, Lambunao and Sitio Marinas, Toyungan Calinog, all in the Province of Iloilo, Region 6 at Barangay Jayobo Gymnasium, Lambunao, Iloilo.
The activity was led by NCIP Chairperson Allen A. Capuyan, , Com. Jeorge M. Largado, Island Group and the Rest of Visayas, Commisioner, NCIP Region 6,7&8 Director Ana N. Burgos, NCIP personnel from the Central Office/Bureau Director/Regional/Provincial/CSC. It was also attended by the Regional Offices of the National Government Agencies such as the Local Government Unit (LGU) of the Municipality of Lambunao. West Visayas State University-Lambunao External Campus, National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA), 82nd Infantry Battalion, Philippine Army, Police High Way Patrol Group (PSPG-PNP).
The dialogue meeting with the Bukidnon ICCs/IPs offers a chance for education. The problems, worries, clarifications, and understanding that result from these interactions open up possibilities that are important for the welfare and development of Indigenous peoples.