PRESS RELEASE: 25 November 2022 || Inter-Agency Community Visitation and Consultation to Resolve Burning Issues of ICCs/IPs of in Talaingod, Davao del Norte
An inter-agency visitation and consultation was undertaken in the Ata-Manobo community held in Sitio JBL, Brgy. Sto. Nino, Talaingod, Davao del Norte to resolve issues affecting them. The said activity was participated by PhilFIDA, PAGRO, MAGRO and NCIP XI.
1. Majority of the IP abaca farmers are facing crisis due to low price buying of abaca fiber as Daratex variety is of local quality and does not meet the standard quality
– according to Ms. Rowena Esconde – PAGRO, the PLGU of Davao del Norte through the leadership of Gov. Edwin I Hubahib, has already visited and extended immediate assistance to affected farmers in three different areas – Sitios Nasilaban, Paiton and Basak. They were provided food packs, tangungon variety seedlings, corn and vegetable seeds and coffee and cardava seedlings.
– additional food packs have been requested by PSWDO to the DSWD XI for 2nd round of food pack distribution
– 56th IB extended support by establishing nurseries of tangungon variety
– in order to sustain their needs, Give. Hubahib will be buying their abaca fiber thru PAGRO-MAGRO by establishing buying stations. The schedule and location will be properly communicated
– PhilFIDA, PAGRO and MAGRO provided correct information to correct misinformation spreading in the communities
– it was recommended that the IP farmers help in establishing nurseries for the said variety and plant other crops to sustain their needs
– to insure their crops and document crop damage as basis for claims
2. Cholera outbreak and other health concerns
– root cause is that there is no available safe water supply
– Dr. Michael Cruz – NCIP XI gave vital information about cholera, how to prevent it and its early management and in emergency cases
– took note of the request of the elders/leaders for a function satellite health stations ( with structure, personnel and medicines ). This request will be brought to the attention of DOHXI thru Ms. Jinky Espino – IP/GIDA Reg. FP.
– distributed vitamins, masks, herbal soap, oresol.
In the afternoon, Chairperson Allen Capuyan spent time conversing cum dialogue with the IPS, ADMO, youth and women of the Ata-Manobo community. He shared some vital points and guidance in the management of their AD through the 11 Building Blocks.
The said visit was appreciated by the community as this strengthened their belief that the government is truly working for them. They are looking forward to more visitations and open dialogue/consultations with them.