12 March 2024 | In support to the theme of the 68th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, Chairperson Jennifer Pia Sibug-Las participated in an event hosted by the Women’s Federation for World Peace International (WFWPI).
The Women’s Federation for World Peace International (WFWPI) led by its Filipina director, Ms. Merly Barlaan hosted an event entitled, “Nourishing Change: Women as Catalysts for Food Security, Economic Development and Climate Resilience.” The engagement aims to highlight the power of women as global agents of change and catalysts for economic development
The program featured key women speakers from various international government and non-government organizations namely H.E. Ambassador Vivian Okeke, Representative of the Director General of IAEA to the UN and Director of IAEA Liaison Office in NY; Ms. Moriko Hori, President of WFWPI; Ms. Mikaela Luisa Teves, Executive Director of SPARK Philippines; Hon. Loren Legarda, Senator of the Republic of the Philippines (Video Message); Hon. Denise Wilkerson, Councilwoman-at-Large, Roselle, NJ; Ms. Simbo Sojirin, President of Women’s Consortium in Nigeria; and Ms. Carolyn Handschin, President NGO CSW Committee, Geneva, sharing their respective experiences, narratives of hope, strengths, and milestones.
Additionally, the discussions underscored, “Women in Leadership Positions, inspire and support other women.” Emphasizing women’s nature, character, and abilities that lead to innovative ideas and approaches to business such as prioritization of community needs, embodiment of social welfare in economic decision-making, and the adoption of participatory and collaborative leadership styles.
Furthermore, the messages from the speakers served as a call to action for different government institutions to invest in women providing them access to economic opportunities, quality education, and home security among others to advocate the realization of social stability, offering solutions to societal divides and addressing poverty.
The event was held in Cady Hall of the Church of the Covenant, 310 E 42nd St, New York, and was capped with a photo opportunity of the participants together with the key resource speakers.