LOOK | NCIP during the Regional Dialogue Workshop on Prospects for the Nagoya Protocol in Southeast Asia
The event was organized by the Research Institute for Development Representation from Vietnam and Lao PDR, the French Embassy in the Philippines, and the Lyceum of the Philippines University (LPU) in Manila.
The Regional Dialogue Workshop delved on the main principles of the regulations on access to genetic resources, and to enable them to develop sound approaches when dealing with these regulations. It also sought to situate the Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Approach in a broad context by providing elements on ethical and intellectual property issues as well as on emerging elements concerning the high seas and genetic sequence.
The NCIP through the Director of the Foreign-Assisted Programs and International Relations Office (FAPIRO), Dir. Dahlialyn D Dait-Cawed, MNSA, imparted valuable presentation encompassing the Indigenous Peoples National Framework for ABS, identified challenges and prospects, and ways ahead.
“In deed and indeed, IPRA is the national framework on IP concerns even on concerns on biodiversity, climate change, the environment in general and ABS in particular. Ergo, in every policy, program, and project, foregrounding of indigenous peoples rights is required, and synergy, coordination, and collaboration with the NCIP as the mandated agency should be also recognized and respected.”