NCIP-FPIC Team facilates the Free Prior and Informed Consent Process (FPIC) for the Panay River Basin Integrated Development Project (PRBIDP).

NCIP-FPIC Team facilates the Free Prior and Informed Consent Process (FPIC) for the Panay River Basin Integrated Development Project (PRBIDP).
The activity is in relation to the application of the National Irrigation Administration VI for the conduct of the remaining activities of the Feasibility Study of PRBIDP. This is attended by the elders and leaders of the twenty (20) IP barangays of Tapaz, Capiz and representatives of NIA.
This meeting will highlight the presentation of the partial result of the activities already completed and the request of NIA to allow them to continue the remaing activities.
The requirement for FPIC process is provided under R.A. No. 8371 and NCIP AO no. 3 series of 2012.