On 16 January 2024, the World Bank presented its analytical report on Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines during the NCIP Special Session of the Commission En Banc (CEB).
NCIP Chairperson Jennifer Pia Sibug-Las presided over the sessions with the other Ethnographic Commissioners who joined via online.
Mr. Carlos Perez-Brito, Senior Social Development Specialist of World Bank, presented the updated report on “No Data, No Story: Data for the Rights and Inclusion for Indigenous Peoples (IP) of the Philippines”.
Among the points discussed were World Bank’s IP Engagement Strategy, IP Data Inequalities, IP concerns on poverty and living conditions, land, economic development and conflict, and the IP Data Portal with NCIP.
Chairperson Sibug-Las expressed her gratitude on the recent developments on the continued collaboration and partnership with the World Bank focused on promoting IP rights, inclusion, and empowerment of Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples.